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Project | 01

RaveChief Debut Album | LP Cover Design

I created the Ravechief album to promote a musical project with a friend. To create this album cover. I took the photos. I edited the images and created a QR code that  connects viewer to artist's soundcloud page.  I enjoy working with up-coming artists. 

Project | 02

ViVi Pudding | Logo Design

To answer a request made by a friend running a snacks and refreshments business in Iran.  I created a different collection of logos for the Vivi brand.  This was my very first professional work used by a business. Although this was a voluntary project. This worked helped me create networks with industry professionals and business owners. 

Project | 03

Nikon | Promotional Campaign poster

My most visually striking piece. The message in this image is to say that the cameras are just an extra pair of eyes on the face of the photographer. To created this image I self-thought the Adobe Photoshop software. This image has been well-received by the audience at the student show. 

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